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Identify the research topic, the people studied, and the research question.
Weight: 18% Does not identify the research topic, the people studied, or the research question. The information provided is incorrect. Insufficiently identifies the research topic, the people studied, and the research question. The information provided is mostly inaccurate and/ or two or more questions are answered incorrectly. Partially identifies the research topic, the people studied, and the research question. The information provided is generally accurate, but some relevant details are missing or one question is answered incorrectly. Identifies the research topic, the people studied, and the research question. The information provided is accurate and provides relevant details. There may be small errors or omissions. Identifies the research topic, the people studied, and the research question. The information provided is accurate, provides relevant details, and demonstrates understanding by using sociology terms. There are no errors or omissions.
2. Research
Identify the research methods and summarize the research process.
Weight: 18% Does not identify the research method(s) used and does not summarize the process researchers used to collect data. The information provided is incorrect. Insufficiently identifies the research method(s) used and does not provide a complete summary of the process researchers used to collect data. The description of the research process is missing key steps. Correctly identifies the research method(s) used and summarizes the key steps of the process researchers used to collect data. Provides a high-level description of the research process, but does not include sufficient details. Correctly identifies the research method(s) used and generally summarizes the process researchers used to collect data. Provides a general description of the research process. Correctly identifies the research method(s) used and summarizes the process researchers used to collect data. Provides a detailed description of the complete research process.
Criteria Unacceptable Meets Minimum Fair Proficient Exemplary Expectations
Below 60% – F 60-69% – D 70-79% – C 80-89% – B 90-100% – A
3. Learn Does not de- Inaccurately Partially de- Accurately Accurately scribe the key describes key scribes key describes key describes key Describe the key findings and/or findings or con- findings and findings and findings and findings of the conclusion and clusion and sup- conclusion but conclusion and conclusion and researchers and does not pro- porting details some of the sup- includes sup- includes supthe conclusion vide supporting are sparse. porting details porting details. porting details.
drawn from the details. are missing. Demonstrates
research. strong under-
standing by
Weight: 18% using sociolo-
gy terms and providing logical, accurate, and concise information.
4. Do Does not pro- Proposes a fol- Proposes a fol- Proposes a fol- Proposes a folpose a follow-up low-up question low-up question low-up question low-up question Propose a fol- question or does that isn’t fully that isn’t fully that is aligned that is aligned low-up question not align with aligned with the aligned with the with the key with the key and an explana- key research key findings of key findings of findings of the findings of the tion. findings and the research, the research, research, and research, and
does not provide or the explana- or the explana- provides a logi- provides a logi-
Weight: 18% details. tion is missing tion is missing cal explanation cal explanation
details. details. that includes that includes
some details. supporting details. Demonstrates strong understanding by using sociology terms.
5. Describe how Does not Supporting de- Supporting de- Includes sup- Supporting the key research describe how tails are sparse tails are used but porting details details are findings could the key findings to describe how some key details to describe how provided to fully be applied and could be ap- the key findings are missing to to apply key describe how propose two plied, or does could be applied, describe how findings and the key findings questions about not propose two or to support the key findings proposes two could be applied society. questions about two proposed could be applied, questions about and to support
society. questions about or to support society based on two proposed
Weight: 18% society. two proposed the research. questions about
questions about society. Demonsociety. strates strong
understanding by using sociology terms.

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