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This is your opportunity to apply your understanding to a complex business situation. Use concepts and principles you?velearned so far from the course lectures, discussion, videos, readings, and DiSC and TKI results. Instructions There are no specific page requirements; however, 6+ pages, excluding cover and reference pages, is anappropriate baseline for a case analysis of the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division. 1. Share your perspective on this case: a. Why was this team dysfunctional? Please explain. b. How did Charles Moore?sleadership style contribute to the team?s dysfunction? Please explain. 2. Discuss what this group of employees themselves could do to better understand the perspectives of each other and theirboss. 3. Make specific recommendations about what Moore should do now to help his team work together and resolve conflicts moreeffectively. Consider the following points: a. What are short-term goals, mission, or vision statements that couldgalvanize the commitment of all employees and especially your senior leadership team? How would you facilitate buy-in byall team members? b. What would you do to build and maintain trust among all employees to ensure you fulfill your missionand achieve your vision? c. What are the values, beliefs, and behaviors of the existing organizational culture as itrelates to collaboration and cohesiveness? What must change and why if you are to not only survive, but thrive in yourmarket segment? d. As Charles Moore, what decisions will you make, how will you execute them, and how will you ensure areturn to profitability within 6 months? 4. The case analysis should incorporate concepts and examples from the course lectures, discussions, videos, readings,and DiSC and TKI results. Pay careful attention to the following: 1. Using the Strayer University Online Library, you must reference no less than five sources for your work in addition tothe materials provided in this course. For two of these sources, please use only peerreviewed or professional journalarticles. Peer-reviewed articles can be found only in the Strayer Online Library and are not typically available througha Google search. a) To distinguish between a peer-reviewed and popular-publication type article, consider that an article is deemedappropriate to be published in a peer-reviewed journal after it undergoes the following process: i. The author of thearticle must submit it to the journal editor, who forwards the article to experts in the field. Because the reviewersspecialize in the same scholarly area as the author, they are considered the author?s peers (hence peer review). ii.These impartial reviewers are charged with carefully evaluating the quality of the submitted manuscript. iii. The peerreviewers check the manuscript for accuracy and assess the validity of the research methodology and procedures. iv. Ifappropriate, they suggest revisions. If they find the article lacking in scholarly validity and rigor, they reject it. v.Because a peer-reviewed journal will not publish articles that fail to meet the standards established for a givendiscipline, peer-reviewed articles that are accepted for publication exemplify the best research practices in a field. 2.Method to find Peer-Reviewed Articles: a) The easiest and fastest way to find peer-reviewed articles is to search theonline library databases. b) Read the database description to determine if it features peer-reviewed articles. c) Whenyou search for articles, choose the Advanced Search option. On the search screen, look for a check-box that allows you tolimit your results to peer-reviewed only. d) If you didn?t check off the peer-reviewed articles only box, try to see ifyour results can be organized by source. For example, EBSCOhost will let you search on Peer-Reviewed Journals. 3.Choose articles that discuss, apply, or assist you in addressing any of the topics in this paper. Do not rewrite thearticles for inclusion in your case analysis. Summarize the contents of the articles in your own words. If you usespecific quotes or parts of the articles, you must cite the source appropriately. Explain each article?s application tothis assignment. How does it relate? How did you utilize this resource? 4. Your instructor does not place a premium on length or the number of words. You are to assume the instructor does notknow what you are talking about. You must reveal to the instructor that you have acquired mastery of the content of thiscourse (knowledge) and can apply it well (wisdom). Provide a complete, cohesive, and well-synthesized paper that exploresthe depth and breadth of the subject and its topics. Here are specific format instructions which you should pay careful attention to: 1. Use formatting consistent with the JWMI Writing Guide found in the MBA Toolbox provided for this course. 2. You mustinclude citations and references.:

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