Discipline Case Study Flowchart

Review the case scenario below to inform the assignment that follows.

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Paulina Case Scenario

Paulina is a 13-year-old student with a language impairment. In particular, she struggles with understanding expressive language (i.e., sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings completely). She has not received any disciplinary action this school year. Recently, Paulina and the bus driver exchanged words about Paulina’s seat on the bus. Paulina proceeded to call the bus driver several inappropriate names. Prior to this incident, Paulina had not exhibited any of these behaviors in her classroom or in any other school environment. Following the incident, Paulina’s parents received a note from the principal stating that Paulina would be suspended for 11 school days, that Paulina has been expelled from riding the school bus for the remainder of the school year, and that alternative transportation in the form of special transportation would be provided to Paulina at the end of this 11-day suspension for the remainder of the school year.

Paulina’s parents have requested that Paulina’s IEP team gather in order to complete a functional behavioral assessment, develop a behavioral intervention plan, and conduct a manifestation determination review. Further, they object to Paulina having special transportation. Paulina’s IEP indicates that she is to ride the “general education” bus.

Scenario adapted from materials created by the Virginia Department of Education.

Create a flowchart that clearly depicts the possible discipline paths following:

  • A manifestation determination that the misconduct was the result of Paulina’s disability.
  • A manifestation determination that the misconduct was not the result of Paulina’s disability.

Be sure to reference relevant statutes, regulations, and case decisions as appropriate.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

In addition, include a 250-300-word analysis regarding any legal issues raised by the change in Paulina’s transportation.

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