UNDERSTANDING THE EMPIRICAL DATA ON POVERTY: Below you will be examining some graphs and data related to poverty. THERE WILL BE A SECTION ON YOUR TEMPLATE TO TYPE IN YOUR ANSWERS! Please type in the correct answers in the blanks based on reading the data in the data and graphs.
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Write My Essay For Me5 A) Read the information below and answer 5A) So, who are the people you helped in doing your service project?
Well, according to the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP, 2014), a large percentage of people you are helping with your service project include American children and adolescents. More than sixteen million children and adolescents in the United States (21% of all children under the age of 18) live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level (NCPP, 2014). As well, only three in four American adolescents graduate from high school. That means, 25% of all American teens won’t graduate high school. This is troubling because not graduating from high school raises the chance of living in poverty by 49%, generating a cycle of poverty within families.
Other problems with poverty and lack of proper education are seen in the problem of homelessness. One in 50 U.S. children are currently are homeless. Outside of the issue with lack of education, another reason for homelessness is that 44.9% of the children and adolescents who are now homeless had parents that were alcohol or drug addicted. There are many problems associated with homelessness. When children and teens are homeless it makes them more vulnerable to getting sick, as more than 1 in 7 homeless children and teens have moderate to severe health conditions, such as asthma. Tragically, homelessness also leads to 13 children dying on the streets of America every day (Slesnick, 2004). Most children whose families are chronically homeless will not graduate high school.
Research conducted by Betts (1995) indicates that the most poverty-stricken neighborhoods have a negative impact on schools due to a declining tax base, making it harder to have decent facilities, educational supplies, and quality teachers. Many schools in low income areas are underfunded, and have trouble taking on all the challenges of giving the most needy children and adolescents the type of education that can lead them out of poverty (Betts, 1995). Hence, we see the succession of poverty that extends generationally in an unending cycle of despair.
Slesnick, N. (2004) Homeless children and youth: A guide to understanding. Praeger Publisher.
5A) Calculate how many homeless children and teens will die each year in America based on 352 days in a year.
or 5B: Homelessness, Children & Teens: Fill in the blank: These two pie charts show the distribution of ages when it comes to homeless children and teens, as well as the racial make-up of the over 3.5 million homeless Americans. Type your answers in the blanks!
5B) By looking at the data in both the pie graphs below on the percentages of age groups and percentages of racial designations of the homeless children in America, if I am a homeless child in America, I am MOST likely _____________________(which age group?) and LEAST LIKELY to be _____________________ (which race)?
Figure 1: Age groups of homeless children in U.S.
5C ) TRENDS in POVERTY and UNEMPLOYMENT as they RELATE TO EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: The line graph below shows us trends across 4 decades of time in the relationship between poverty and educational levels. The 2nd graph, a comparative bar graph, gives us a graphic representation of data on unemployment rates and salaries based on educational attainment.
5C) Based on the line graph below, and IF the current trends in poverty rates continue into 2020, put your ANSWERS ABOVE in the space for answers by filling in the statistical percentages for each educational level for living in poverty (based on the previous decades of change). If current trends hold steady, in 2020, we can predict that _______________% of people without a high school degree will live in poverty, while only ____________ % of people with a two-year college degree will be living in poverty.
Figure 21 March Curnet Population Survey NOTE: Civilians 25 years and older
5D and 5E) Relationships between educational attainment salary and unemployment. This comparative bar graph shows us the relationships between educational attainment, salary and unemployment rates. Calculate and fill in the blanks for the questions below based upon these data!
5D) Based on the comparative bar graph below, Calculate: In 2014, people with an Associate’s degree will make $____________ a week MORE than someone WITH a high school diploma and $______________ MORE a week than someone WITHOUT a high school diploma, and based on 50 weeks for a year, you would make $____________ a year with a high school diploma versus $__________ a year with a Bachelor’s Degree. .
5E) According to the bar graph below, you are ________ times more likely to be unemployed and if you have a high school diploma or just take a few classes here at Amarillo College, than if you stay the course and finish your ASSOCIATES degree or certification program.
APPENDIX A: The GRADING RUBRIC FOR YOUR SERVICE PROJECT ASSIGNMENT : This is how you will be graded on this assignment. Worth 100 points
Contains clear, thorough responses to each of the parts of EACH of the questions identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently researched the history of the agency the agency/organization, the social issue the agency is concerned with, and the specific intervention(s) used to help the issue. It provides evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks and worked alongside the staff at the chosen agency
Addresses almost all of the parts of the questions, and answers ALL the questions identified in the assignment. Provides some evidence that the student has researched the history, social issues and specific interventions of the agency with which they were involved. In second paragraph, student provides some evidence that he or she worked with staff at the chosen agency.
Does not address all of the parts of the questions in the assignment, or skipped one of the questions. It provides minimal evidence that the student has diligently researched the history of the agency, the social issue the agency is concerned with and the specific intervention used to help the issue, the social issue the concerned with and the specific intervention used to help the issue. Fails to provide clear evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks and worked alongside the staff at the chosen agency.
Minimally addresses and or fails to answer some of the questions in item #1. It does not provide evidence that the student researched the history of the agency, the social issue the agency is concerned with or the specific intervention used to help the issue. It doesn’t provide evidence that the student has diligently identified the tasks and worked alongside the staff at the chosen agency
Did not provide an answer.
Weight 10.00%
Contains clear, thorough responses to the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently reflected on experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge learned while working at the chosen agency.
Addresses the question identified in item #2, in a minimal manner and/or provides some evidence that the student has done some reflection on their experiences, as well as discussing previous and new knowledge gained while working at this agency. Needs improvement and some added depth.
Addresses some of issues raised by the question in item #2 in a perfunctory manner. It provides minimal reflection from the student regarding their experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge gained in this experience. Needs a quite a bit of improvement. and depth of reflection on the experience.
Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. Provides very little, if any, evidence that the student has reflected on experiences, prior knowledge and new knowledge gained in this experience. Needs much more depth of reflection and improvement in communicating that experience.
Did not provide an answer.
Weight 20.00%
Contains clear, thorough responses to each part of the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently applied or related concepts from at least 2 specific concepts from their textbook to their experience in their agency. Cited sources in the text and within the bibliography section.
Contains a minimum required response to the question identified and its parts. Provides some evidence that student applied and/or related at least 1 concept from the textbook to their experience at the agency. Cited source in text and within bibliography section.
Does not address all of the parts of question in the assignment and/or responses lack clarity and depth. It provides minimal evidence of the student’s reflective thought. There is only minimal indication that the student applied or related 1 concept from their textbook in this class to their experience in their agency. Fails to cite source in text or bibliography.
Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. It does not provide evidence of the student’s reflective thought. There is no specific indication that the student applied or related any concepts from their textbook in this class to their experience in their agency. Fails to cite source(s) in text and bibliography.
Did not provide an answer.
Weight 10.00%
Contains clear, thorough responses to the question identified in the assignment. It provides evidence that the student has diligently described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she described in detail one action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life.
Contains minimal response to the question identified in the assignment. Provides some evidence that student described the impact he or she hope to have by continuing to volunteer at selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at the agency, then he or she gave a brief but not specific description of at least one action step if that they are willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life.
Does not address all of the parts of the questions in the assignment. It provides minimal evidence that the student has diligently described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency. If the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she described one general and somewhat vague action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life.
Minimally addresses the items in the assignment. It does not provide evidence that the student has described the impact he or she hopes to have by continuing to volunteer at their selected agency or, if the student chose not to volunteer at their selected agency, then he or she failed to describe in any detail one action step that they would be willing to do to apply some aspect of “social responsibility” that they learned in their volunteer work in their life
Did not provide an answer.
KNOWLEDGE Empirical Data Question #5
Weight 25.00%
All five questions and all parts are correct indicating that the student has mastery over understanding empirical and graphical representation of data in social and behavioral sciences research
Four of the 5 questions were correct, and/or the student missed a few of the components in a couple of the questions, indicating student has an understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research.
Three of the five questions were correct, and/or student missed multiple components within some of the questions, indicating that the student has difficulty and lacks a complete understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research.
Two or less of the five questions were correct, and student missed multiple components within these questions, indicating that the student lacks understanding of empirical and graphical representation of social and behavioral science research.
0 points Did not provide an answer.
Weight 5.00%
Information is clearly organized throughout the four questions on the essay, ideas flow nicely.
Some sections of the are well organized while others are loosely organized, lacking flow
Information is loosely organized throughout and there is a lack of flow of ideas.
Information is present, but very difficult to understand due to poor organization.
Did not provide an answer.
Weight 10.00%
Proper grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question. Minimum word count is exceeded.
Generally, grammar and spelling used are correct with a few errors. Minimum word count is reached.
Proper grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question with major errors. Minimum word count is reached or fell a little short at points.
Very poor grammar and spelling used throughout the answer to the question. Minimum word count is not reached.
Did not provide an answer.
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